Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore was accredited by NAAC in the year 2017 with B++ grade. The IQAC, since its inception, has been consistently and actively involved planning, guiding and monitoring Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the colleges.
NAAC has outlined important guidelines for the formation of IQAC, its objectives, strategies, mechanisms, functions and benefits:
Objective of IQAC
The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent & catalytic improvement in the overall performance of Institution.
Objective of IQAC
- Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks
- The relevance and quality of academic and research programmes
- Introducing modern methods of teaching and learning
- Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and functioning of the support structure and services
- Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
- Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process.
- Arrangement for feedback response from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes.
- Dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education
- Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
- Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement
- Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices.
- Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining/enhancing the institutional quality.
- Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC, to be submitted to NAAC.
- Ensure heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement
- Ensure internalization of the quality culture
- Ensure enhancement and coordination among various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices
- Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning
- Act as a dynamic system for quality changes in HEIs
- Build an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication.
- NBA accreditation process.
- Preparation for AQAR and NAAC-Reassessment
- Training faculty to practice modern tools for teaching learning process
- Designing Self-appraisal format for faculty.
- Participation in institute ranking and surveys.
Mentor – Mentee
Mentor – Mentee system has been followed for personal counseling and grievances Redressal of the students. Mentoring is a student monitoring process. All the personal, academic, co-curricular and Extra-curricular information about thestudent are recorded in the Student recordmaintained by the respective facultymentor.Each student’s academic and other activities are keenly monitored by the mentors. They take the responsibility of providing additional coaching classes for the slow learners if any, with the help of Course coordinator. Mentors also giveextra focus on the students having backlog arrears by conductingadditional coaching classes for the slow learners to ensure improved performance. Students with idea of dropping out are specifically counseled by addressing their problemand are motivated to be retained.Ethical and moral values are imparted to the students regularly during the mentoring. Students participating in club and sports activities are encouraged toimprove the leadership qualities.Parent meetings are conducted by inviting parents to discuss about their wards performance.
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