Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology is a self-financing Engineering College, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to Anna University Chennai, and Accredited by NAAC & NBA. NIET is established in the year 2006, under the able leadership of our Founder Chairman, Shri. P. K. Das is entering into its fifteenth successful year by marching ahead towards achieving the Vision and Mission of the Founder Chairman under the guidance of the most respected Managing Trustee Adv. Dr.P.Krishna Das, and the most beloved CEO and Secretary Dr.P.Krishna Kumar.
In its fifteenth year of establishment, NIET has evolved into a multidisciplinary, research-focused and student centric Institution offering 11 academic programs, 8 at the Undergraduate level and 3 at Postgraduate level. NIET comprises of dedicated team of eminent faculty members, rich in knowledge and with good retention rate, 5 Centre of Excellences, Well-equipped Laboratories, Excellent Infrastructure, Smart Classrooms, Amphitheatres and Conference Halls.
NIET had gained high reputation in the society over the past decade through the academic excellence testified by the number of University ranks secured by the students year after year. NIET is marching ahead in its road to success by receiving NAAC accreditation, NBA accreditation for few undergraduate programs, and internationally recognized 14001:2004 certification for the serene, eco-friendly and green campus. These certificates and accreditations are testimonials for NIET to proclaim that it upkeeps the best system and the international quality standards, benchmarked by the globally renowned rating agencies
NIET has adopted academic reforms to become internationally recognized for the quality of its teaching and learning process, research, and student enrichment. It is aimed at inculcating scientific integrity and human values to expand the boundaries of technologies, creativity and human knowledge, generating new insights and improving the quality of life by which an individual is moulded into a true citizen.
NIET keeps a tremendous track record of placements every year in reputed organizations, and through the Technology Business Incubation supported by NSTEDB, DST, Government of India, a spark of an idea can be converted into products through start-ups and students are made into entrepreneurs. NIET is flourishing today with the support from all its stakeholders, in which the Alumnus of NIET plays a major role. All our students are positioned at reputed organizations within the country and abroad who are our everlasting testimonials.