CEO & Secretary's Message
It is my proud privilege to introduce the large group of pioneering educational institutions popularly known as the 'Nehru Group of Institutions' owing its origin to the southernmost part of peninsular India. Higher education is a part of socio-economic system and has a strong and direct bearing on the economic, social, political and cultural developments of the nation. I would like to quote the golden words of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru “If everything is well with universities in the country, then everything will be well with this nation”.
A step into the Nehru Group of Institutions is a right step into a brighter world of education and a knowledge hub. It is worth one takes up a chance to experience the difference and to enjoy the "Joy of learning".
Your Foot Prints on our Premises is our Prosperity.
The well wishes and support of the students and parents is our strength and we would welcome you all to become partakers of this highly resourceful learning environment for an enduring and mutually sharing and benefitting career.